적당히 켜기는 소리 영어로
영어 번역
- strum
- 적당히 conformably; appropriately; seemly; on time;
- 소리 소리1 [음향] (a) sound; [소음] a noise; a
- 적당히 켜기 strum
- 서툴게 켜기는 소리 strum
- 적당히 conformably; appropriately; seemly; on time; commodiously; meetly; adaptly; accommodately; right; fitly; rightly; regularly; agreeably; conveniently; properly; fit; semblably; aptly; suitably
- 적당히 얼버무려 messily
- 적당히손봐주기 hold back
- 물 튀기는 소리 splash
- 튀기는 소리 slosh
- 튕기는 소리 thrum
- 적당 적당 [賊黨] a gang of thieves; a band of robbers; bandits.적당 [適當]1 [알맞음] suitableness; suitability; propriety; appropriateness. ~하다 suitable; proper; suited; adequate; fit; appropriate; [지나치지 않다] modera
- 가로 켜기 crosscut
- 당당히 당당히 [堂堂-]1 [훌륭히] grandly; splendidly; magnificently; majestically; in a dignified manner; with (great) dignity; with an imposing air; with pomp and glory. ~개선하다 return from a victorious campaign in
- 상당히 상당히 [相當-] fairly; quite; pretty; rather; considerably; decently; tolerably; passably; moderately; to no small degree[extent]. ~ 먼 rather far. ~ 비싼 값 a pretty high price. ~ 잘 pretty[fairly] well. ~ 잘
- 상당히 … quite